Identifying Customers for Online Ordering

Posted by Tim on March 12, 2011

QR CodeThere are likely customers within a certain geographical area of your restaurant that are prime targets for your restaurant's online ordering capabilities.

This topic surfaced again during a conversation with the General Manager of a NetWaiter client based in the Seattle, WA area.

"We are right next door to the new offices," said the Manager. "That's huge for business. Those are the kind of customers (office based technology employees) that really use online ordering most."

Okay, so maybe you aren't right next to offices like Only a few restaurants can be that lucky. But, the fact still remains - you can successfully capitalize on almost any nearby business that has employees “trapped” at their computers and hungry during lunch. Locate the office parks, high-rise buildings, hospitals, and universities in your area. These are target-rich environments, full of employees and students that spend major amounts of time in front of a computer screen each day.

Inexpensive flyers or business cards can be distributed office-by-office, or left on car windshields. You can even include a QR-Code (Quick Response Code) on the flyer for customers to scan with their smartphones. The QR-Code can direct customers to your mobile NetWaiter site for them to view your online menu and easily place orders. Feel free to contact NetWaiter with any questions about targeting ideal customers or setting up a Quick Response Code for your restaurant.

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