Quick! Get Some Video on YouTube

Posted by Tim on August 29, 2013

A recent article in the online version of QSR quotes a 2012 Nielson study revealing that more than 90 percent of consumers say that recommendations from friends and family have the biggest effect on their purchasing behavior.

The Zocalo Group, a marketing agency in Chicago, reveals which social media tools work best for restaurants.

Although it is frustrating that they don't include any quantifiable numbers in the article, according to Paul Rand, the CEO of Zocalo, the #1 most credible source is YouTube. This is followed by someone liking a brand page and sharing it. The third favorite online vehicle for consumers is online brand reviews. 

The information was collected for Highly Recommended, a book Rand will release soon.

Rand says brands also shouldn’t be afraid to ask guests to give a recommendation. “Whether you’re large or small, give people opportunities to do what you want them to do," he told QSR Magazine. "People will recommend all day long when you ask them to do it.” 

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Expect Success (with a Simple Plan)

Expect Success (with a Simple Plan)

Posted by Tim on December 13, 2014
With some simple planning, you can expect your online ordering initiatives to be successful.  Here are some key components to think about:  

Stress the Benefits to your ManagersOnline ordering is a way for your restaurant to capture more business without expanding your “brick and mortar” footprint.  It can significantly improve your bottom line and customer satisfaction – both of which should be a primary focus of your managers.

Involve Everyone – Make sure everyone knows how they fit into a successful operation.  The kitchen needs to properly packages each order and the hostess or counter staff needs to be able to organize each order so the pickup process is smooth and fast.  Leveraging your team is important because they interface with your customers every day and can make the takeout process good or bad for customers.

Launch Sequence – A common tactic for multi-unit restaurants is to roll out online ordering at only one or two locations to start.  Managers can refine their operations and pass on the ‘best-practices’ to the other locations.  While each location is going to have its unique quirks, it’s important to maintain consistency as best as possible.

Some Restaurants Perform Better Than Others – It’s not a failure if one location isn’t performing as well as another.  Every location will be a little different and it’s a function of many factors.  Local demographics play a huge role.  Restaurants in an area where the millennial market is strong will adapt to online ordering more quickly.  Local businesses and office lunch orders could significantly benefit certain locations more than others.  Every location will have different levels of success, but you can still expect all of them to be successful!

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