Do You Know Influentials?

Posted by Tim on February 28, 2013

The Influentials

There is a book called The Influentials, based on the premise that “one American in ten tells the other nine how to vote, where to eat, and what to buy.”

You know Influentials.  You have friends that are Influentials.  You have business associates that are Influentials.  You could even be an Influential.  Here are some common traits of an Influential:
•    They have a high profile in the community - local government leaders, those active in service clubs, high-profile businesspeople, etc.
•    They have lots of friends (Facebook and real friends).  They are always greeting someone, or someone is always greeting them.
•    They are everywhere - the Supermarket, PTA meetings, Little League games.  They just seem to be around.
•    People respect their opinions, often on a wide variety of issues.

Take special care of Influentials, because they can/will spread the word about your restaurant.  Here are some easy tips:
•    Always make a point to speak with them, even if it’s just to say hello.
•    Try giving them a complimentary sample of a new dish so they can talk it up.
•    Make sure your wait staff knows who these people are (and gets their order correct).

And, of course, talk up your online ordering capabilities.  A few minutes/comments can go a long way towards your bottom line.

Online Ordering Success--Baggin's Gourmet Sandwiches

Posted by Tim on February 21, 2013


Ask Sunny Bravin, treasurer of Baggin's Gourmet Sandwiches, about their biggest surprise since launching NetWaiter online ordering.  The answer is one that would bring a smile to the face of any restaurant owner.

"New customers," she says.  "We've really seen an increase.  We don't know where they are coming from, especially since we are just starting to market online ordering.  We suspect word of mouth might have something to do with it."

Baggin's initially saw online ordering as an efficiency tool to serve their current customers more quickly.  “We wanted to decrease customers being placed on hold," she said.  "If they have to wait, they will go someplace else."

Baggin's, which started in 1984, has eight stores in the Tucson, Arizona market.  Seven now offer NetWaiter, and by February, all eight stores will be online.

"We've had great customer feedback," said Sunny.  "Lots of people are commenting about how much they like the options online, but I think for most people it’s the convenience.  They can get in and out of the store quickly.  That's what they want."

Sunny says that Baggin's is planning a big marketing push for online ordering.  She's looking at T-shirts, messages on their store bags, a social media push through Facebook and Twitter, and maybe even radio.  "We will also be doing a big push through our employees," she said.  "Already, our standard phone answer includes a message about online ordering.”

Sunny also added that she is eager to use the NetWaiter management console to market.  “I knew that we were we were going to have some options for emailing customers,” said Sunny, “but I am really astonished at the level to which I can customize and track our offerings.  It’s a powerful tool."

Growing Your Business with Food Photography

Posted by Tim on January 30, 2013

Food PhotographyAccording to AIS Media, as many as 89% of potential customers visit a restaurant's website as part of their decision-making process.  If your website is adorned with attractive, appetizing photos of your top-selling dishes, you greatly increase your chances of winning over customers.

NetWaiter offers clients the ability to include photos of individual menu items as well as photos for each category.  We recommend all clients use these features.

Here are some tips on how to photograph items from your menu (with some ideas from Running Restaurants):

1.    Get online.  Check out other restaurants and their use of photography.  Determine what you like and what you think would look good with your restaurant and menu.  Cheesy photography can certainly turn away good customers.

2.    With the NetWaiter Management Console, you can add photos as they become available.  Set a goal to add 10 photos a month (or whatever amount is achievable).

3.    Make sure your food is well lit, perhaps near a window with natural sunlight (but not direct sunlight).  Avoid using a flash, which is often harsh and tends to show shadows.

4.    Avoid blurry photographs.  Try supporting the camera on a tripod or other steady surface.

It's All in the Packaging

Posted by Tim on January 21, 2013

Takeout Packaging

Several years ago, a trade magazine in the restaurant industry released a survey on the top five complaints from takeout customers. Included, were leaky containers.  It’s a big problem and one that may cost you customers.

Another undercurrent in the industry also pertains to takeout customers and takeout containers.  As pointed out in a recent article from, more and more takeout customers are looking for restaurants that offer environmentally friendly containers.  “These products contain renewable resources, and are also compostable, biodegradable, petroleum free and nontoxic,” said the article.

Taking it one step further, The Pho Bar in Berkeley, CA, uses reusable stainless steel containers called tiffins.  NetWaiter worked with The Pho Bar to not only facilitate online ordering, but to develop a system to keep track of their tiffins.

If the environmental efforts at your restaurant center around reusable containers, or containers made from biodegradable or renewable resource, it’s an important point to advertise, especially on your website and via social media.  Survey after survey shows that restaurants making a commitment to a greener earth get ‘points’ with customers.

Preparing for 2013

Posted by Tim on January 9, 2013

It’s not too late to set your sights on the New Year.  It’s also the perfect opportunity to implement online ordering, or, if you’re already using it, evaluate and refine things for 2013.

Here are some considerations:

Developing a Takeout Strategy - Takeout customers are different than other customers.  They look for and expect different things.  Check out our July newsletter article for some information and tips to accommodate this segment.

Mobile Ordering is the New Frontier - According to Restaurant Hospitality, up to 30% of your website traffic comes from mobile devices.  That number will only climb, yet industry reports say that less than 5% of restaurants have a mobile-friendly site.  Check out NetWaiter's advice for being mobile friendly.

Don’t Violate Common Takeout Sins - Online ordering is a great tool for customer convenience and control, but that doesn’t mean your restaurant isn’t screwing up somewhere else in the process.  Do you violate any of the common problems associated with takeout?  Check out this blog post about the most common pet peeves of takeout customers.

John Himelstein, Gingergrass

Posted by Tim on January 1, 2013

With 25% of our business take-out, we believe NetWaiter is an essential part of our business model.  With phone orders, it's easy to make mistakes, but with NetWaiter, we know the orders are correct and always in the system.  On-time and mistake free orders make for very happy repeat customers.  The Management Console is also a great tool as it's easy to navigate and edit.  It also offers us a look at what many of our satisfied customers have ordered by showing the Most Popular Items displayed front and center.

John Himelstein


Casie Caldwell, Greenz, salads for Z’adventurous

Posted by Tim on January 1, 2013

After researching several options, including building our own online ordering system, we found that NetWaiter was the most economical and proven system on the market. Our online orders continue to grow and we couldn't be more pleased. The ease of functionality and ability to make changes on the fly is superior.


Casie Caldwell

Greenz, salads for Z’adventurous

Jasmine Ali, Lovable Foods

Posted by Tim on January 1, 2013

NetWaiter has completely changed the way we do business.  We’ve been able to maximize our productivity and streamline our operations.  The low risk implementation and cost was exactly what our small business needed.  The Management Console is super easy and exciting; the power to update your menu offerings instantly and manipulate your site at your whim is beyond convenient - it’s genius!  We offer such a custom menu, I never could imagine that an online ordering system could not only meet our needs, but do it in such a short time.  Our representative was not only knowledgeable, but patient, and worked with us to get everything right and actually understood our needs.  Bottom line… our concept, with NetWaiter’s innovation, equals more profit.


Jasmine Ali

Lovable Foods


Jose Davila, The Sub and Pizza

Posted by Tim on January 1, 2013

We are very pleased to have online ordering with NetWaiter at The Sub and Pizza.  Our online orders have seen an increase of over 30%, versus phone orders and in-person orders.  NetWaiter should be called “the silent salesperson who up sells”.

At the beginning, I was very scared of the new Order Online concept.  I did not know what to expect, although I knew it was going to be beneficial to our business. But NetWaiter took me by the hand, taught me everything I should know, and how to take advantage of the new system.  I never felt I was left behind in the advances of technology.  It was a very smooth and easy transition.  In other words - I should have had NetWaiter Online Ordering years ago.

Thank you again for your guidance and for having a lot of patience.  By the way, my wife is very pleased with the results coming from NetWaiter’s online ordering system.  She, being happy, is one less thing that I have to worry about.


Warm regards,

Jose Davila

The Sub and Pizza

Steve Osterholz, The Jackson Underground Cafe

Posted by Tim on January 1, 2013

It's been a little over a year since we started with NetWaiter at The Jackson Underground Cafe, and I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know how thrilled we are with your product and service.  As you well know, I spent about 2 months researching, and talking to, numerous companies that offer online ordering.  I can tell you unequivocally that I made the best choice when I chose NetWaiter.  Below are some of my findings over the last year: 

First and foremost, our customers LOVE using NetWaiter!  They can order online quickly and safely with only a few mouse clicks.  They don't have to stand in line or stay on hold waiting to place an order.

Due to the efficiencies we gained from having NetWaiter, we were able to delay the hiring of additional front end staff by at least 6 months.

We have improved our customer experience and repeat orders tremendously.

We have NEVER had a system problem that was not our fault.  No glitches, no anything.  NetWaiter has performed flawlessly.

NetWaiter is smart to use a "No Contract" offer because after a restaurant uses the service for a short period of time, they would never want to stop.

Here are my mistakes that I wish I could go back and fix:

I should have begun using NetWaiter immediately upon opening my restaurant.  I was a bit intimidated and unsure of the system and therefore, I approached implementation rather sheepishly.  If I could go back and do it again, I would jump in head first and immediately begin promoting the service heavily.

If I could tell your prospective clients one thing, it would be don't over think this decision and start using NetWaiter YESTERDAY!  I don’t want any of my competitors using NetWaiter – yeah, it's THAT good!

Best Regards,

Steve Osterholz
The Jackson Underground Cafe

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This quote is particularly telling about one of the main benefits of online ordering:
“Maximizing the n
umber of customers who are engaged with the brand and come into the restaurant at least once per month, as a percentage of your total customer base, is what differentiates restaurants on the metrics that we monitor," said Dan Meichenbaum of Dectiva, a California-based research firm. "Preventing customers from becoming lapsed customers is critical to sales and ongoing brand success.”

It reminds us of one of the most important aspects of NetWaiter: It helps you take good customers and make them better ones.

According to a 2011 study by Cornell University, the top two reasons consumers use NetWaiter is convenience and speed.  Customers know they can get their takeout order without hassle, and they can get it quickly.

We'd like to add another reason - Reliability.

Once customers know they can rely on your restaurant for an easy takeout experience, they have less incentive to change.  Make it simpler by adding the ability to order with their smartphones (a feature provided to all NetWaiter clients) and you will further establish your restaurant as reliable and convenient.  Combined, these efforts make it difficult for another restaurant to lure them away.

"An alarming number of customers order online four and five times a week," says Charlie Olson, owner of Blue Moon Burgers in Seattle, WA (and NetWaiter client).  "The customer always has the right menu in front of them, and the order is always accurate.  If the customer pays online, then they just come into the store and grab their bag, and they're gone."

Do you like Starbucks? Do you like Free Starbucks?

Posted by Tim on June 26, 2012
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Enjoy a web demo while sipping on some Starbucks (…Free Starbucks)!

Find out how to grow your takeout sales using the most dynamic online ordering system available - NetWaiter.  Each week, at 10:00am on Tuesday morning (Pacific Standard Time), you can attend NetWaiter’s Live Web Demo to learn more about online and mobile ordering for your restaurant.


Just for taking part in the live demo, we’d like to send you a $10 Starbucks gift card.


Sound good?  We thought so…


Joining is easy.  Go to NetWaiter’s website and click on the Join a Live Demo button in the upper right-hand corner.  The next three Tuesdays are always listed – choose one that works for you.  Once you signup, we’ll contact you with instructions to join the demo.  The demo lasts about 45 minutes and you’ll be able to ask all the questions you want.


After the demo, we’ll electronically send you a $10 Starbucks gift card.  It’s that easy!


 The Fine Print:

1. You’re not required to activate a NetWaiter site (although you will probably want to).

2. You must own/manage a verifiable restaurant (or similar business) to be eligible to attend an online demo. 

3. You must follow NetWaiter on Twitter and like NetWaiter on Facebook to qualify for the gift card.

4. Each demo has a limited number of seats.  We reserve the right to reschedule you if needed (although we’ll do our best to avoid it).

5. Clearly, you won’t be able to ‘sip on free Starbucks’ during our demo, because the gift card is sent afterwards, so please excuse the language at the top. (You can, however, get someone else to buy you a cup for our demo.

6. One gift card issued per restaurant. 

7. Gift cards only issued to people that attend a Tuesday morning demo.

8. Starbucks and NetWaiter are registered trademarks of their respective companies.













Summer Brings Potential for NetWaiter

Posted by Tim on May 31, 2012
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The onset of summer brings a unique opportunity to use NetWaiter to get more customers into your restaurant, at minimal expense.           

With longer, warmer evenings, towns across the country have free movie night and free music night at local parks and other venues. Some of these events draw hundreds of people , even thousands. They bring dinner, spread out a blanket and enjoy the evening.

Locate these events in your market. They typically start with the end of school and are held weekly for four to eight weeks. On the first evening, blanket every windshield in the parking lot and surrounding streets with flyers advertising your NetWaiter online ordering capabilities. Consider offering an event special for online orders--a free bucket of wings with every order over $30, or an offer that works with your menu.

"The trick is to get customers familiar with your online capabilities," said Jared Shimoff, Sr. Director at NetWaiter. "Once you do this, they'll surely find other uses for it. A thousand flyers at the beginning of the summer, and paying some high school kids to distribute them, will give you customers for the rest of the year."

Some of these events also offer sponsorships, including the opportunity to have a commercial read over the P.A. system during the event.  Every event is different. Explore the possibilities. Let us know how things go. 

NetWaiter Leads Restaurants’ Shift Towards Mobile

Posted by Tim on May 29, 2012
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We've seen rumblings of this in a few places across the media - as the economy crawls out of recession, diners are shifting back to the casual dining segment. Nation's Restaurant News cited this in an online article in late May.

According to the article: "Respondents devoted 37.7% of their restaurant spending to limited-service restaurants during the quarter, a decline from 41% - 42.1% during the previous year.  Meanwhile, consumers said they spent about 41.1% of their dining-out dollars on casual dining restaurants, up from 38% - 39.4% seen in 2011."

The market for casual dining is coming back and casual dining is a huge user of online ordering services like NetWaiter.

Also, according to Restaurant Hospitality, 84% of those restaurants that have a stand-alone mobile website see an increase in new business activity.

"We're starting to see the beginnings of a perfect storm for online ordering," said Jared Shimoff, a Sr. Director at NetWaiter.  "The market is shifting more towards the casual dining sector, and at the same time, we are seeing an explosion in the popularity of smartphones."

"All the data we've seen tells us that mobile websites, with the ability to place orders, continue to increase as a major influence on the restaurant market.  Thankfully, we’re able to keep our clients on the forefront of this growing trend."

Behind the Scenes Of Your ‘Online Ordering Cloud’

Posted by Tim on May 24, 2012
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Anyone who has owned a computer has suffered from some sort of data loss - even if it was just due to closing a document before clicking ‘Save’.  After getting over the paralyzing fear of losing information, you have to start over again.  It sucks. So, it’s only natural, in this information-driven age, to ask, “Can I rely on NetWaiter to handle all of my orders, make sure they get to the right place, AND store my information safely and securely?”

It’s a good question.  Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at your ‘Online Ordering Cloud’ -

NetWaiter uses only the most reliable systems.  Our servers are hosted at co-location facilities, which are secure data centers that many large businesses use to run their networks and systems.  The facilities are unmarked, climate-controlled, have advanced fire and water protection systems, on-site security, multiple power backups, and multiple internet feeds.  If power is lost for an extended time period, the facilities are on a distribution schedule for fuel to run backup generators indefinitely.

The security of equipment and data is also protected.  Employees at the facilities have limited access to the equipment and all visitor ingress and egress actions are escorted.  Even login access by NetWaiter employees is limited to only the information and data they need to do their job.

After reading some of this, you may wonder why we operate like the Pentagon.  Well, truth is – while we understand we’re not protecting nuclear launch codes, we still take our clients’ businesses seriously.  They use NetWaiter for a simple reason – we’re the best at what we do.

It’s important for our clients to have an online ordering system that is rock-solid and feature-rich to remain competitive in today’s marketplace.  You can rely on NetWaiter to protect it.

More Reasons for Mobile and Online Ordering

Posted by Tim on May 23, 2012
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The National Restaurant Association has created an infographic to show what restaurateurs can expect about the increasing importance of online ordering, websites and electronic payment. 

What customers have to say:

What restaurateurs have to say:

And abousocial media:

NetWaiter provides an easy-to-read mobile website to every customer, along with a QR code that takes users to the site. NetWaiter was also the first online provider to offer those who order takeout the opportunity, when purchasing online, to automatically post their purchase to their own personal Facebook page. This also creates an automatic link for Facebook friends to go directly to that restaurant and order online, too. Call NetWaiter today at 866-638-9248. We can have you up and operating on your own mobile site in less than a week. 


The "Where's Waldo" of Online Ordering

Posted by Tim on May 12, 2012
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If you walk into The Pickle Barrel, a sandwich shop in Sioux Falls, South Dakota, the first thing you notice is all of the employees wearing T-shirts with QR codes printed on the back.  When they turn around, the front of the T-shirt reads: “Ask Me About Online Ordering.”

“We’ve been using NetWaiter for online ordering since January and we love it,” said owner Jen O’Brien, who opened the sandwich shop seven years ago in this town of 153,000 people.  “We have a lot of fun with it, and it’s convenient for both our customers and us.”

With the arrival of online ordering, O’Brien decided to step up some marketing to build its awareness.  She started placing a sign at a random location in the city, and then dropped daily hints on the restaurant’s Facebook site regarding its location.  Each person that found the sign and posted a picture of it on The Pickle Barrel Facebook page got entered into a drawing at the end of the week for a $25 gift certificate.

“In just a few days we got fifty new friends on our Facebook site and a ton of orders,” said O’Brien.

O’Brien has been using social media to promote the restaurant for a few years.  She readily admits that there is a good deal of experimentation involved.  “Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn’t.  The nice thing about the NetWaiter Management Console is that I can see right away if a promotion resulted in more online sales.  I know what’s working.”

Keeping Mobile at the Forefront

Posted by Tim on April 24, 2012
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According to a recent article from Restaurant Hospitality, 30% of all traffic to your website comes from a mobile device.  In reality, that figure may be a lot higher, but 30% is still significant.  Here are some dos and don'ts for promoting your restaurant to mobile visitors and customers:

1. Create a mobile-friendly website.  Pssst... NetWaiter automatically creates a mobile site for your restaurant.  It's easy to use and folks love it, but it’s also a good idea to have a mobile friendly version of your existing homepage.  Provide customers easy navigation and show your critical information.

2. List your mobile site on sites such as Yelp, Urbanspoon, and Foursquare.  Your regulars may know where to find you, but others may be looking up your restaurant on their mobile device using one of these sites.

3. Keep it simple.  People care more about ease-of-use and functionality when it comes to mobile websites.  They just want them to work - so forget fancy graphics that take forever to load.  Keep it simple and easy to navigate.  Note: A mobile NetWaiter site is fast and easy to navigate.  

4. Make it easy for customers to find you.  Use a QR code on all your signage and spread the word that you have a mobile site and mobile ordering.

With more than 90 million internet-accessible Smartphones in the United States, mobile ordering and accessibility is something you don't want to miss!

Rise Against the Supermarkets

Posted by Tim on April 6, 2012
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Astute restaurant owners know that other restaurants are not their only competition.  There are many other businesses attracting the would-be takeout customer from your place.  Among them is the local supermarket and convenience store.

Online a
nd mobile ordering can help you compete for more of those customers.

Jon Luther, chairm
an of Dunkin' Brands, in the keynote speech at COEX 2012 in Las Vegas last month, described supermarkets and C-stores as “the new elephant in the room" for restaurants, according to Restaurant Retailer News.

Shoppers are already at the store, and providing foodservice gives them an opportunity to integrate their meal purchases with other purchases.  Add to that an accessible location, plus lots of parking, and the choice is easy.  Because of this, many supermarkets are now including casual dining areas in their layout.

So, how do you compete against that level of convenience from savvy supermarkets?

Well - it’s an interesting challenge, and quite frankly, can be hard, but it’s not impossible.

First, think about what you have on your side.  Most customers carry a perception restaurants can provide a higher quality meal (and hopefully better value) than a supermarket
selling pre-packaged meals (a.k.a. “Home Meal Replacements”).  This is especially true if your restaurant offers unique menu items.

Second, you have to battle convenience with convenience.  This is where your mobile ordering site becomes important.  Customers need to be reminded that ordering from your restaurant is easy and accessible.

We know that convenience is the top reason people order online.  So, spread the news about your convenient mobile ordering site and remind customers your food is high quality.  Stress the fact that your online site offers access to your full menu (compared to a very limited supermarket menu).

"You (supermarkets and c-stores) win people with service and convenience...", said Luther.

Restaurants just have to do it better.

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