Behind the Scenes Of Your ‘Online Ordering Cloud’

Posted by Tim on May 24, 2012

Anyone who has owned a computer has suffered from some sort of data loss - even if it was just due to closing a document before clicking ‘Save’.  After getting over the paralyzing fear of losing information, you have to start over again.  It sucks. So, it’s only natural, in this information-driven age, to ask, “Can I rely on NetWaiter to handle all of my orders, make sure they get to the right place, AND store my information safely and securely?”

It’s a good question.  Here’s a behind-the-scenes look at your ‘Online Ordering Cloud’ -

NetWaiter uses only the most reliable systems.  Our servers are hosted at co-location facilities, which are secure data centers that many large businesses use to run their networks and systems.  The facilities are unmarked, climate-controlled, have advanced fire and water protection systems, on-site security, multiple power backups, and multiple internet feeds.  If power is lost for an extended time period, the facilities are on a distribution schedule for fuel to run backup generators indefinitely.

The security of equipment and data is also protected.  Employees at the facilities have limited access to the equipment and all visitor ingress and egress actions are escorted.  Even login access by NetWaiter employees is limited to only the information and data they need to do their job.

After reading some of this, you may wonder why we operate like the Pentagon.  Well, truth is – while we understand we’re not protecting nuclear launch codes, we still take our clients’ businesses seriously.  They use NetWaiter for a simple reason – we’re the best at what we do.

It’s important for our clients to have an online ordering system that is rock-solid and feature-rich to remain competitive in today’s marketplace.  You can rely on NetWaiter to protect it.

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