Thoughts on Social Media for Restaurants

Posted by Tim on July 5, 2012

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Some helpful social media tips came out of a recent “Summer Brand Camp Conference” as reported by Nation's Restaurant News.  Here they are, along with some of our own thoughts-

Facebook is still the most favored platform.  There are others, but Zuckerberg's baby seems to pay off the most.  Our guess is that both your kids and your grandma are on Facebook.  It's easy to use.  Twitter, while popular, is perceived as slightly more technical.

Simplicity is key.  Short and visual messages often get the best response.  The top Facebook post for Buffalo Wild Wings was a tantalizing photo of a glass of beer and the post: "Mmmmmm, Beer."  People love pictures.

Social media should be a conversation - not a sales pitch.  If you’re always trying to hawk your product, people find it annoying.

Resist the urge to jump right in and defend you restaurant against a negative post.  Other customers may step in to defend you, which looks better and may prevent you from getting into an online squabble.

Folks love video, and everyone can be a videographer with a smartphone.  Some smartphones even allow you to edit videos on the device.  Tell customers if they make a good video about your restaurant, you’ll post it online.

Integrate social media with other marketing efforts.  If you’re advertising anything offline, you should include your social media information too.

More than one location?  It might be best for each location to conduct their own social media efforts if each has its own character.  A sandwich shop in an industrial center will have a much different vibe than the same brand in a college town.

These suggestions are quick and easy, but remember – all markets are different – do what works best for your restaurant.

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