Know Thy Customer

Posted by Tim on December 13, 2013

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” Those were the words of the late Peter Drucker, one of the top management experts, an educator, and consultant with businesses across the world.  Knowledge is power!

So, what do you know about your takeout customers?  If a customer called to place their order – you probably don’t know anything about them.  If they ordered online, you know a lot.

An added value of online customers (above and beyond their larger orders) is the customer information you receive, and something you don’t get from phone orders.  You can see patterns, track results, and view a customer’s history/profile.

With this in mind, NetWaiter will soon be offering enhancements to the NetWaiter Management Console that allow restaurants to access more statistics about their online customers.  Owners and managers will be able to quickly break down and compare information regarding mobile vs. non-mobile orders, pickup vs. delivery, orders that are paid online vs. orders that are paid in-person, and group ordering.

Follow NetWaiter on Facebook, Twitter, and through our Blog for news on when these new features become available.

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