Posted by Tim on February 21, 2013

Ask Sunny Bravin, treasurer of Baggin's Gourmet Sandwiches, about their biggest surprise since launching NetWaiter online ordering. The answer is one that would bring a smile to the face of any restaurant owner.
"New customers," she says. "We've really seen an increase. We don't know where they are coming from, especially since we are just starting to market online ordering. We suspect word of mouth might have something to do with it."
Baggin's initially saw online ordering as an efficiency tool to serve their current customers more quickly. “We wanted to decrease customers being placed on hold," she said. "If they have to wait, they will go someplace else."
Baggin's, which started in 1984, has eight stores in the Tucson, Arizona market. Seven now offer NetWaiter, and by February, all eight stores will be online.
"We've had great customer feedback," said Sunny. "Lots of people are commenting about how much they like the options online, but I think for most people it’s the convenience. They can get in and out of the store quickly. That's what they want."
Sunny says that Baggin's is planning a big marketing push for online ordering. She's looking at T-shirts, messages on their store bags, a social media push through Facebook and Twitter, and maybe even radio. "We will also be doing a big push through our employees," she said. "Already, our standard phone answer includes a message about online ordering.”
Sunny also added that she is eager to use the NetWaiter management console to market. “I knew that we were we were going to have some options for emailing customers,” said Sunny, “but I am really astonished at the level to which I can customize and track our offerings. It’s a powerful tool."