Steve Osterholz, The Jackson Underground Cafe

Posted by Tim on January 1, 2013

It's been a little over a year since we started with NetWaiter at The Jackson Underground Cafe, and I just wanted to send you a quick note to let you know how thrilled we are with your product and service.  As you well know, I spent about 2 months researching, and talking to, numerous companies that offer online ordering.  I can tell you unequivocally that I made the best choice when I chose NetWaiter.  Below are some of my findings over the last year: 

First and foremost, our customers LOVE using NetWaiter!  They can order online quickly and safely with only a few mouse clicks.  They don't have to stand in line or stay on hold waiting to place an order.

Due to the efficiencies we gained from having NetWaiter, we were able to delay the hiring of additional front end staff by at least 6 months.

We have improved our customer experience and repeat orders tremendously.

We have NEVER had a system problem that was not our fault.  No glitches, no anything.  NetWaiter has performed flawlessly.

NetWaiter is smart to use a "No Contract" offer because after a restaurant uses the service for a short period of time, they would never want to stop.

Here are my mistakes that I wish I could go back and fix:

I should have begun using NetWaiter immediately upon opening my restaurant.  I was a bit intimidated and unsure of the system and therefore, I approached implementation rather sheepishly.  If I could go back and do it again, I would jump in head first and immediately begin promoting the service heavily.

If I could tell your prospective clients one thing, it would be don't over think this decision and start using NetWaiter YESTERDAY!  I don’t want any of my competitors using NetWaiter – yeah, it's THAT good!

Best Regards,

Steve Osterholz
The Jackson Underground Cafe

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