Online Ordering: 9 Point Checklist

Posted by Tim on December 19, 2013

January 1 is rapidly approaching. There is no better time to go over a list of things that will help you maximize the benefit of your NetWaiter online ordering system. 

1. One Click Access from your Homepage.  Attention spans on websites are measured in nanoseconds.  Don’t make your customer look – have at least one link clearly visible, at the top of your homepage.  Have at least one more button, shown consistently in the same place, on every page of your website.

2. Don’t Post a Link to Any Portal Listing.  Portals bring in the occasional new customer who might not have found your restaurant otherwise.  The costs, however, can be up to four times, or more, than NetWaiter.  Let portals send you new customers, not the other way around.  Remember, almost half of customers visiting a portal site (47.1%) said they clicked over to the restaurant’s own website to order their food once they found a restaurant they liked.  Capturing those customers is critical to save money.

3. Menu Priority.  Your online menu needs to be well crafted, just like your table menu.  The most profitable dishes, or those most popular with your customers, should have prominent positioning towards the top of each category.

4. Updated Menus.  Keep your online menu updated.  It only takes a second through your NetWaiter Management Console.  This is a big one: 68% of people are not likely to visit a restaurant, café, or bar after encountering incorrect online information about the business.

5. Don’t Forget About… Appetizers, desserts, and drinks are categories most frequently overlooked in takeout orders.  Make sure the hierarchy of your up-selling categories gives preference to these types of items. 

6. Market, Market, Market.  Use the database from your NetWaiter Management Console to promote off-hours business, special offers, and other incentives to make sure your favorite customers are well informed and come back often.

7. Seeing is Believing.  Photos sell product.  Are you making maximum use of photos on your NetWaiter site?  Click here for some tips and to learn more about the impact of photos with online ordering. 

8. Encourage New Customers.  Do you have an incentive for a first-time online customer?  The long-term value of an online customer is huge (considerably more than a phone-in customer), and the best part is – you can track it.  Consider offering an ongoing discount for first-time online customers (maybe 15% off, or more).

9. Take Advantage of Online Payments.  68% of customers pay online with NetWaiter, and the figure is even higher for delivery orders.  This saves time for both you and your customers.  In addition, the funds are deposited directly into your bank account. 


Know Thy Customer

Posted by Tim on December 13, 2013

“If you can’t measure it, you can’t improve it.” Those were the words of the late Peter Drucker, one of the top management experts, an educator, and consultant with businesses across the world.  Knowledge is power!

So, what do you know about your takeout customers?  If a customer called to place their order – you probably don’t know anything about them.  If they ordered online, you know a lot.

An added value of online customers (above and beyond their larger orders) is the customer information you receive, and something you don’t get from phone orders.  You can see patterns, track results, and view a customer’s history/profile.

With this in mind, NetWaiter will soon be offering enhancements to the NetWaiter Management Console that allow restaurants to access more statistics about their online customers.  Owners and managers will be able to quickly break down and compare information regarding mobile vs. non-mobile orders, pickup vs. delivery, orders that are paid online vs. orders that are paid in-person, and group ordering.

Follow NetWaiter on Facebook, Twitter, and through our Blog for news on when these new features become available.

The Impact of Virtual Touch on the Restaurant Buying Decision

Posted by Tim on December 13, 2013

In past articles, we’ve discussed the benefits of using photos on your NetWaiter menu.  Now there is another reason to show photos, and this is especially pertinent for tablet and mobile users.

As reported in the Journal of Consumer Psychology, if you touch something you like, you’ll want it more. It might also explain, in terms of dollars, why online orders tend to be larger than phone-in orders.

When a customer holds something in their hands, they imagine themselves in control.  They get a sense of ownership.  Research has found this to be true even on touchscreen devices, where the viewer has some control.  Customers don’t handle the food in your restaurant before deciding to order, but the ability to touch an image or menu item on a handheld device or tablet gives them a sense of ownership and control.  It precipitates that thought of, “Yeah, I want to order this.”

All the more reason to drop in as many photos as you can of your menu items.  Customers will feel as if they are holding and touching the actual item.  Pay attention to the quality of the photography, too. Other studies show that the sense of ownership is enhanced when the photography is particularly vivid.

NetWaiter and Photos: a winning combination for larger orders and a healthy bottom line.


NetWaiter Offers Early Glimpse into Social Commerce

Posted by Tim on December 3, 2013

A recent industry white paper cites ten percent of online purchases come from a smartphone or tablet computer.  The same source predicts that by 2017, that percentage will be up to 50 percent.

There is no doubt that online and mobile commerce is getting more pervasive.

Some may refer to this as the beginning of Web 3.0, the convergence of social and commercial media, or what is becoming known as social commerce, wherein smart marketers use the power of social media to drive word-of-mouth information and then offer customers a way to make an immediate purchase.

As we look towards the future, we see social commerce as a turning point for online businesses.  It gives users the power to make direct purchases of products recommended by friends.  Their credit card, address and personal information may even be eventually synced with their social media accounts.  The act of making purchases will be easier.

NetWaiter has provided restaurants an early avenue into social commerce for several years in the form of our Facebook integration.  When a customer places an online order through NetWaiter, they have the opportunity to use their Facebook account to login, which also provides the option to post a message about their order to their Facebook page.  Not only does the post give restaurants immediate promotion, but there is also a link back to the restaurant’s NetWaiter site for others to view the menu and place their own orders.

The truth is - customers have always had the power of word-of-mouth advertising.  For the most part, it was simply passed on in personal conversations.  Because much more is on the web now, word-of-mouth advertising provides restaurant owners significantly more leverage and the ability to capture additional sales.

Controlling Your Online Presence

Posted by Tim on November 15, 2013

Customers resort to online searches, especially through their smartphones, to find restaurant information more and more these days.  Bad online information, however, can hurt you.  A recent industry study revealed that 68% of people are not likely to visit a restaurant, café, or bar after encountering incorrect online information about the business.

Here are a few tips about managing your restaurant’s online presence:

Know Where You Are Listed - The numerous online outlets—Yelp, Foursquare and others—enable customers to identify, rate, and comment on the restaurants they patronize.  Be sure to regularly search for your restaurant online.  If you find a place where you are not listed, check into what it takes to get listed.  More importantly, if you see incorrect information, have it fixed ASAP.

Know What Counts - The aforementioned study also said that 60% of consumers say the menu is the most important factor in selecting a restaurant online.  For all of your online listings, you can link customers to your custom NetWaiter menu.  It will be available to consumers online and via mobile.  Photos are good, too – a few pictures of your restaurant (inside and out) are helpful selling tools.

Keep Online Information Updated - Remember, nobody likes a restaurant with bad or outdated online information.  Check and update your information regularly.  And most importantly:

Make sure your restaurant’s online ordering capabilities via NetWaiter are prominent - The quicker you can get customers to your online ordering site and placing their order, the better your bottom line will be. 

Keeping it Personal with Online Ordering

Posted by Tim on November 7, 2013

Restaurant customers are, of their own will, flocking to convenient technologies such as using online ordering for takeout & delivery.  But, as one hospitality executive observed in The Wall Street Journal last month, "When you lose the experience of ordering with somebody who can give you an intelligent answer, you lose, well, hospitality."

Although it’s the ideal way to order, personal touch is still important in online ordering.  How can restaurants that grow their business with online ordering keep customers happy by maintaining a personal touch?  Consider some of these tips and tactics:

1.    Select your pickup counter personnel and delivery crew based, in part, how personable they are. A friendly greeting and exchanging quick, pleasant niceties goes a long way with customers and your brand.

2.    Make sure the personnel who handle pickups and deliveries know and use the names of the customers.  As Dale Carnegie said, “Remember that a person’s name is to that person the sweetest and most important sound in any language.”

3.    As an owner, pick up the phone periodically and call a customer who ordered online.  Ask them how their order was, how the delivery driver treated them, and thank them for their business.  Not only will you make a personal contact, but you will receive invaluable feedback and respect.

Holiday Catering with Online Ordering

Posted by Tim on November 7, 2013

 The holidays are fast approaching, and with it, the chance to reap extra profits by offering customers catered holiday meals—either to their home or business—using your NetWaiter online ordering system.

For businesses, of course, you can offer full catering services for a holiday employee meal at the office.  A discount on desserts might be a great incentive for larger orders and can be used to motivate them to order well in advance, giving your kitchen more time to prepare those large orders.

For individuals, you can focus on complete meals, or perhaps a special menu item that is popular with customers around the holidays.  In California, and many other areas of the country with large Latino populations, Christmas tamales are a favorite.  Perhaps you have special mashed potatoes that are a holiday favorite, or an unmatchable recipe for garlic cheese bread.  Make sure your customers know they can order these items online in advance.  Consider offering larger portions of your celebrated dish – it could make a great potluck item that everyone at the party will ask about.

HOLIDAY HOURS REMINDER:  Please make sure your Holiday Hours are set in your NetWaiter Management Console.  You can pre-configure your special Holiday Hours for Thanksgiving, including the days before/after Thanksgiving.  To set your Holiday Hours within your Management Console, click ‘Location Information’ and then ‘Holiday Hours’.  If you have any questions or needed assistance, contact NetWaiter and a Success Specialist will be happy to assist you.

NetWaiter Scores High with Customer Pre-Payment

Posted by Tim on October 29, 2013

Pre-paid orders are one of the best benefits for restaurants using online ordering.  The question is: how many of your customers take advantage of this option? Recent internet reports cite less than 19% of customers choose to pre-pay online.

Our figures are substantially different. With NetWaiter, we see 68% of customers choosing to pre-pay for their online order, if given the chance.  For delivery orders, that number jumps to 77%.

Pre-paying for an online order is just one of the ways NetWaiter streamlines the takeout business.  A customer who pre-pays can quickly pick up their order.  There is no fumbling with money or credit cards at the cash register.  It’s a time saver, especially during those peak hours, for both restaurant and customer.

Some NetWaiter restaurants report frequent instances of twenty or thirty online customers during their lunch rush.  Imagine the logjam that would be caused if they didn’t pre-pay online for their order.

Another major advantage NetWaiter provides restaurants is immediate access to their funds.  Some online services charge customers and do not transfer the payments to the restaurant for as long as a month.  NetWaiter allows restaurants to charge their customers directly and the money is immediately deposited into their merchant account.

“Allowing a third-party to take control of your receivables and then hold your money for up to 30 days is never a good business move,” said Jared Shimoff, Senior Director at NetWaiter. “Then again, if less than 19% of customers chose to pre-pay with that service, you’re probably not missing much!” 

Why does NetWaiter have higher rates for pre-payment?  A significant reason is that we are constantly evolving the NetWaiter system, making changes to increase convenience and improve the customer experience.  Cleary, the results show – producing 3 to 4 times the number of pre-paid customers.


NetWaiter Group Ordering Boosts Convenience for Offices and Friends

Posted by Tim on October 21, 2013

REDLANDS, CA - NetWaiter, the premier online ordering service for restaurants, now offers Group Ordering, allowing offices and other groups to order more easily.

When someone visits the website of a restaurant using NetWaiter’s online ordering system, they will have the option to organize a Group Order.  To start a Group Order, the organizer invites friends or co-workers to join their group.  NetWaiter provides the ability to email invitees, along with a message.  Each person receiving the email can accept or decline the invitation.  If they join the group, they are immediately guided to the restaurant’s menu to select their items.  When done, their items are submitted back to the organizer.  After the invitees have selected their items, the organizer submits the Group Order, along with payment, and their desired pickup/delivery time.

The organizer can view their Group Order and the progress of each invitee on the Group Order status page.  This page shows the organizer who has accepted or declined the invitation, who is browsing the menu, and the order information from the people that have completed their order.

The group ordering function includes several convenient features for organizers, including the ability to save invitees.  The next time an organizer places a Group Order, they can automatically select people to include that they previously invited.  The organizer can also delete names as needed.  In addition, if someone was left out of a Group Order that should have been included, the organizer can invite them, even if the order is in progress.

Online group ordering is a major benefit for both customers and restaurants.  If an office is having a staff meeting during lunch, it’s easy for employees to initiate a Group Order at a local restaurant.  This saves the hassle of everyone ordering individually.  From the restaurant’s perspective, the orders are larger and more organized for easy preparation.

"Online group ordering is a major convenience to restaurant customers," said Kevin Lewis, NetWaiter’s CTO, "and we all know that convenience leads to more business."

NetWaiter is a nationwide system providing restaurants with the ability to accept online and mobile orders.  In addition to Group Ordering, the NetWaiter system includes a restaurant Management Console, email marketing, Facebook integrations, a promotional system, QR codes, and a branded mobile site for each restaurant client.


For more information, contact NetWaiter at 866-638-9248 or visit their website: 

Changes to Your NetWaiter Site Mean More Convenience

Posted by Tim on October 18, 2013


The studies and research all agree.  The biggest attraction for ordering online is customer convenience and control.  Whenever we make changes and upgrades to the NetWaiter system, we always put them through our ‘convenience filter’.  Above and beyond our recent Group Ordering release, other upgrades have been made to improve convenience for customers.  Here’s a recap:


Group Ordering

As discussed in our last newsletter, group ordering allows any customer, but particularly people like administrative assistants, pharmaceutical reps, or anyone organizing a group lunch/dinner, to conveniently place orders for everyone involved.

To start, an organizer invites friends or co-workers via email.  Your NetWaiter site allows the organizer to select invitees and include an optional message.  Each person accepts or declines the invitation.  If they join the group, they are directed to your menu to select their items.  When completed, their selections are sent to the organizer, who submits the Group Order, with the desired pickup/delivery time.  Each item of a Group Order is identified with the person’s name that ordered it.  If possible, your restaurant should write the name of the corresponding person on each item before packaging up the entire order.


Other Front-End Changes

Editing Orders – Customers will discover they now have a faster and easier way to edit and delete order information, if needed.

Site Appearance – We’ve tweaked a couple of visual elements (fonts, etc.) to improve consistency throughout the ordering process.

Site Layout – We’ve increased customer usability of the NetWaiter website.  Additions include a ‘breadcrumb’ to help with navigation, easier access to Log In/Off, and a link to view the status of a pending Group Order.


Management Console Changes 

Email Marketing and Social Widget Upgrades – You now have more options for editing content of email messages and those on your social widget.

Promotions Upgrade – When offering promotions that include specific items, NetWaiter will automatically add those items to an order when the customer enters the Promo code.




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