Serving the “Need States” of Online Customers, Part 3 – Impulse Customers

Posted by Tim on December 1, 2014
This is Part 3 in a series of articles about attracting the “need states” of online restaurant customers - the needs and key decision-making points of each customer segment.  Part 1 addressed Special Occasion Customers.  Part 2 addressed Routine Customers.  Today we address Impulse Customers.

Impulse Customers.  These are folks that make spontaneous dining decisions.  Here’s what you need to capture their attention:

  • Good Web Visibility.  This is especially needed with mobile devices where the likelihood of an impulse purchase increases. Make sure your website is mobile friendly.  Your NetWaiter site is already optimized for mobile devices, so you can redirect visitors directly to your custom NetWaiter page if needed.
  • Price Point.  The price point for this type of customer is often lower.  They may also trend towards ordering more snacks, rather than full meals.  They want to see options that fit their lower price points when searching your online menu. 

Impulse customers can also be found locally.  Make sure you do things that attract these patrons.

  • Email Marketing.  More and more people live their lives through their smartphones.  Reaching them while they’re ‘on-the-go’ isn’t a bad thing.  If they like what they see, they may be inclined to take action right then.
  • The LTO.  Limited time offers tap into the marketing tactic of “get it now or miss out.”  Offer them a special online-only deal, with a very limited window for them to take advantage.  Just make sure the offer gets to them before lunch/dinner.
  • Make It Effortless.  With NetWaiter, over 68% of customers choose to pre-pay online for their pickup or delivery order, if provided a choice.  Pre-payment makes it a smooth, quick transaction.

It’s also important to keep in mind that the need states of customers change.  Every customer, at one time or another, will be in one of these three need states we discussed.  Appeal to each one of these need states, and you will reliably attract more customers.

How Important is your Website and Electronic Outreach?

Posted by Tim on July 31, 2013

Are you considering SEO--search engine optimization--for your restaurant? Read this.

According to, Adobe recently put out a study of the importance of website optimization activities. The survey covered 1,800 digital marketers, asking them about their activities in this area.

Eighty-six percent of the companies spent less than 15% of their marketing budget on website optimization activities--search engine optimization and other web-based campaigns. Slightly more than a third of those reported website conversion rates below 1%.

Those companies who  upped that investment to 25% of their marketing budget were twice as likely to enjoy website conversion rates of at least 9%. That means increasing your SEO budget by two-thirds can net an increase in results of as much as nine fold.  

This survey was across all business types, so it is not specific to just restaurants, but the general results are probably close.  According to a 2013 survey released by IAB and Viggle, 69% of those polled have ordered food via the mobile internet at least once, and use mobile devices for information/research even more frequently.

Investing in SEO will bring customers to your website and subsequently through your front door or to your NetWaiter online ordering website. 

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All posts tagged 'Unique Delivery Locations'

You Want Your Meal Delivered Where?

Posted by Tim on October 15, 2013

Where are you?  It’s the underlying question when asking customers for their delivery address.  The problem is - people aren’t always at an exact address.

A recent article in the New York Times chronicles the growing trend of restaurants delivering not only to homes and offices, but often to places with no address.  This included someone waiting in his car in the Upper West Side of Manhattan (he ordered breakfast delivered to his car), a public beach, and even a local neighborhood playground.

These unique delivery locations are a natural progression to an industry that is making it increasingly easier to order takeout and have it delivered.  These are also the types of takeout dining experiences that customers will talk about through social media and word-of-mouth: “Just had Chinese food ordered to a park bench #awesome #nolongerhungry” (with a picture of their orange chicken included) 

With NetWaiter’s online ordering system, customers ordering delivery can enter special instructions regarding their delivery order.  When an interesting delivery request is made, embrace the challenge, make the delivery, and tout your capabilities on your own Facebook and Twitter steams (protecting your customer’s identity, of course).  Word will get around.

Some interesting and funny requests just from this week:

  • “Grove Arcade but outside on O'Henry Ave between Barber and Printville - directly in front of the loading zone and covered in roof construction scaffolding. Have a midget dog who will bark at you when you come inside office.”
  • “I'm on the roof. Please ask doorman to call my cell (xxx-xxx-xxxx) when you arrive. Thanks!”

Does your restaurant have any funny or interesting delivery requests/stories?  We’d love to hear them.

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