Snacking and Online Ordering

Posted by Tim on June 11, 2014
It’s not uncommon for some restaurants to get a surge of takeout orders in the afternoon.  While some may be late lunch or early dinner orders, they aren’t always full meals.  A lot of the time it’s a snack-type order.  A recent report reveals that about 50% of eating occasions are snack related.  Experts attribute this largely to busy lifestyles, but there are other contributing factors: 

  • 73% of snacking is physically driven – combatting hunger (44%), nutritional support (15%) and the need for a sudden burst of energy (12%), which explains the late afternoon aspect. 
  • 36% is emotionally driven – 23% of the people in this category use snacking as a time-marker in their day. There is also boredom alleviation (13%) and those who use snacking as a way to reward themselves (6%).
  • 28% of snacking is socially and culturally driven, including people who are bonding around food. 
  • Then there is something called ‘aimless snacking’ (27%), which is attributed to the constant availability of food and beverages. 

The numbers add to more than 100% because there is a good deal of overlap in consumer motivations for a snack. 

What does this mean for restaurant online ordering?  1) Make sure your appetizer and snack selections are listed on your online ordering menu, and 2) consider adding items that are both ideal for an afternoon snack and are a sure bet for takeout popularity. 

You want customers to be online, and so do they.

Posted by Tim on February 21, 2014

Your restaurant should want as many customers as possible to order online.  Here are 5 simple reasons why:

•    You capture valuable information.  You can see ordering frequency and ordering habits.  You also get customer contact information such as email addresses and phone numbers.
•    Online orders are larger than phone orders by as much as 45%, although the average is around 20% larger.
•    Reduction in errors.  How many times have you given a credit to a customer because their order was wrong?  Also, you free up employees from all that time on the phone.
•    Customers order more frequently.  Once they experience the ease and convenience of online ordering, they keep coming back.  NetWaiter online ordering takes good customers and makes them better.
•    Customers are happier. Online ordering is quick, it’s convenient, and customers love being able to order from anyplace, at any time, and know their order will always be right.

5 simple reasons why your customers prefer to order online:

•    It’s convenient.  How many people have memorized your telephone number, let alone know your current menu?  With NetWaiter, your customers can view your up-to-date menu and not worry about speaking to anyone.
•    It’s quick.  With just a few clicks on their mobile device or laptop, their order is complete.
•    Their order is accurate.  Order accuracy gives customers the peace of mind that items won’t be missing from their order.
•    They can order from anywhere—as they’re leaving the office or on the soccer field in the final minutes of their kid’s game.  They also won’t feel rushed by an employee on the phone.
•    The ability to use discounts and promotions is much easier online and they can pay in advance.

Online Ordering: 9 Point Checklist

Posted by Tim on December 19, 2013

January 1 is rapidly approaching. There is no better time to go over a list of things that will help you maximize the benefit of your NetWaiter online ordering system. 

1. One Click Access from your Homepage.  Attention spans on websites are measured in nanoseconds.  Don’t make your customer look – have at least one link clearly visible, at the top of your homepage.  Have at least one more button, shown consistently in the same place, on every page of your website.

2. Don’t Post a Link to Any Portal Listing.  Portals bring in the occasional new customer who might not have found your restaurant otherwise.  The costs, however, can be up to four times, or more, than NetWaiter.  Let portals send you new customers, not the other way around.  Remember, almost half of customers visiting a portal site (47.1%) said they clicked over to the restaurant’s own website to order their food once they found a restaurant they liked.  Capturing those customers is critical to save money.

3. Menu Priority.  Your online menu needs to be well crafted, just like your table menu.  The most profitable dishes, or those most popular with your customers, should have prominent positioning towards the top of each category.

4. Updated Menus.  Keep your online menu updated.  It only takes a second through your NetWaiter Management Console.  This is a big one: 68% of people are not likely to visit a restaurant, café, or bar after encountering incorrect online information about the business.

5. Don’t Forget About… Appetizers, desserts, and drinks are categories most frequently overlooked in takeout orders.  Make sure the hierarchy of your up-selling categories gives preference to these types of items. 

6. Market, Market, Market.  Use the database from your NetWaiter Management Console to promote off-hours business, special offers, and other incentives to make sure your favorite customers are well informed and come back often.

7. Seeing is Believing.  Photos sell product.  Are you making maximum use of photos on your NetWaiter site?  Click here for some tips and to learn more about the impact of photos with online ordering. 

8. Encourage New Customers.  Do you have an incentive for a first-time online customer?  The long-term value of an online customer is huge (considerably more than a phone-in customer), and the best part is – you can track it.  Consider offering an ongoing discount for first-time online customers (maybe 15% off, or more).

9. Take Advantage of Online Payments.  68% of customers pay online with NetWaiter, and the figure is even higher for delivery orders.  This saves time for both you and your customers.  In addition, the funds are deposited directly into your bank account. 


Keeping Your Lunch Business

Posted by Tim on July 17, 2013


Online ordering is the best weapon for addressing change in the restaurant industry…

The Orlando Sentinel, citing several respected industry sources, reports that restaurants that have not spent a huge amount of energy trying to capture the lunch crowd are now refocusing their efforts.

Mid-day meals typically mean lower profit margins and diners that are in a hurry.  Competition for the business, however, has forced restaurants to refocus their efforts.  Some restaurants are at a disadvantage here, reports the article, “… when diners eat out at lunch, they often want something quick — a problem for some sit-down chains.”

A weakness for restaurants in the lunch business is the lack of a good online ordering system.  Ordering online is ideal for the mid-day customer who wants to spend a limited time away from their desk or, better yet, get it delivered.

To compete, it’s important to emphasize the convenience of online ordering to customers, either for pickup or delivery.  You can do this through conversations with customers, in-store signage, messages on receipts, and email campaigns through your NetWaiter Management Console.

“A recent industry survey revealed that the lunch crowd accounts for 34% of restaurant traffic,” said Jared Shimoff, Sr. Director at NetWaiter.  “If that’s part of your business, you certainly want to keep it and expand it.  Online ordering is a key tool for that opportunity.”

Score This Football Season with NetWaiter

Posted by Tim on September 28, 2011

It's no surprise that major restaurant chains in the U.S. were lobbying the NFL and the NFL Players Association to end the lockout that threatened the football season this fall and winter.  Restaurants popular with the football clientele were anticipating same month sales to be off a minimum of 10% to 15%. Some were predicting as high as 40%. 

But with the season starting this month, it's time for restaurants to gear up to attract the football crowd, and remind customers that ordering online through NetWaiter means a minimum of time away from their big screen television.

You can do this a number of ways:

  1. Work with your employees and start a narrative with customers.  Football fans love to talk about game day plans.  Make sure they get the message from the wait staff that NetWaiter can make their pickup or delivery that much easier.
  2. Brag about your online ordering site in signage and other point-of-purchase opportunities – table tents, signage at the cash register, your website, and even in the restrooms.  Make sure that everywhere your customers are, they know about your online ordering site.
  3. Promote online ordering specials.  What are the offerings you have that are especially suited for football viewing?  Hot chicken wings, stuffed potato peels and pizza are all popular this time of year.  Can you offer a complimentary appetizer with each order of $40 or more?  Get creative!
  4. Update your advertising.  Do you run regular ads?  Do you have a billboard around the corner?  How about radio spots during football programing or sports shows?  Make sure all these messages include online ordering for the football season.

Football season is a great business opportunity for many restaurants, and also a time to increase customer awareness about online ordering.  Long after the season is over, customers will still be bringing in extra sales with the click of their mouse and your NetWaiter site.  

Get the Latest Info on Online Ordering

Posted by Tim on May 17, 2011

You can download a copy of a study on electronic food ordering from Cornell University, by Sheryl E. Kimes Ph.D., at no charge.  Among other tidbits of info: "The chief reason for electronic ordering given by those have ordered (users) is that they gain convenience and control. The major factor that inhibits those who have not ordered via an electronic channel (non-users) is a desire for interaction (although technology anxiety is also a factor).  Check it out at 

Using NetWaiter to Drive New Business

Posted by Tim on April 23, 2011

Word of MouthHow can NetWaiter help your restaurant grow?  View it as a consistent marketing tool.

Established restaurants invariably develop a loyal clientele. This clientele is important. You'll often find that up to 80% of a restaurant’s receipts come from this core group of customers.

The key to growth - to continue building this core group of customers - is getting new faces in the door. The best way to do this is through word of mouth. However - in order to get people to spread the word, you have to give them something to talk about.

This is where NetWaiter comes in. NetWaiter offers a unique package of services that can get people talking. The ability to order online is an attention-getter - but NetWaiter also offers other services. Facebook ordering, the ability to order from a Smartphone, and an instant link to your restaurant using your unique QR code are some great examples.

As you and your employees interact with customers, use these NetWaiter features to start a conversation. Impress them with your custom QR code. Get them to save your mobile NetWaiter site on their Smartphone. You might even run a special - a gift card or discount for every customer who shares your restaurant on Facebook or Twitter (they can email you proof).

Identifying Customers for Online Ordering

Posted by Tim on March 12, 2011

QR CodeThere are likely customers within a certain geographical area of your restaurant that are prime targets for your restaurant's online ordering capabilities.

This topic surfaced again during a conversation with the General Manager of a NetWaiter client based in the Seattle, WA area.

"We are right next door to the new offices," said the Manager. "That's huge for business. Those are the kind of customers (office based technology employees) that really use online ordering most."

Okay, so maybe you aren't right next to offices like Only a few restaurants can be that lucky. But, the fact still remains - you can successfully capitalize on almost any nearby business that has employees “trapped” at their computers and hungry during lunch. Locate the office parks, high-rise buildings, hospitals, and universities in your area. These are target-rich environments, full of employees and students that spend major amounts of time in front of a computer screen each day.

Inexpensive flyers or business cards can be distributed office-by-office, or left on car windshields. You can even include a QR-Code (Quick Response Code) on the flyer for customers to scan with their smartphones. The QR-Code can direct customers to your mobile NetWaiter site for them to view your online menu and easily place orders. Feel free to contact NetWaiter with any questions about targeting ideal customers or setting up a Quick Response Code for your restaurant.

Client Spotlight--Blue Moon Burgers: Maximizing Takeout Sales with NetWaiter and Social Media

Posted by Tim on October 20, 2010
Client Spotlight - Maximizing Takeout Sales with NetWaiter and Social Media

Blue MoonThe South Lake Union venue of Blue Moon Burgers in Seattle, WA, has doubled their business in the last six months, said manager Nils Petersen, thanks to online ordering from NetWaiter, along with Facebook and Twitter, to drive the increases in business.

Blue Moon Burgers is a specialty hamburger restaurant, selling hamburgers, French fries and other items. Their menu features pastured meats--hormone free and 100% grass fed--all sourced from a single ranch. Blue Moon makes as many ingredients in house as possible, and sources much of the other products locally in the greater Seattle area. "We want to be sustainable," said Petersen, "and maintain as small a carbon footprint as possible."

"Sales info from NetWaiter is telling us that 40% to 50% of the online orders we get each day are new to us," said Petersen, "at least from an online perspective. But that online business is what we like. Customers come in, get their food and get back to their offices. It increases our efficiency, frees up the tables in the store, and customers get served quickly."

"The only advertising we do is social media--Facebook and Twitter," continued Petersen. "But we are right next door to the new Amazon offices. That's huge for business. Those are the kind of customers--technology workers--that are very comfortable with online ordering. Blue Moon also uses coupons in all outgoing bags and some signage to communicate the availability of online ordering."

"We are real big on Twitter," added Charlie Olson, owner of Blue Moon Burgers, "which helps draw the online orders. We have 1,600 or 1,700 followers. We put up signs in the stores, have drawings and promote it on our comment cards."

"When I first learned about NetWaiter, I saw the potential," said Olson. "NetWaiter gives customers an opportunity to go up to the front of the line and have their order paid for and ready to go. It's a great solution for us."

Combining Mobile Ordering with Social Media

Posted by Tim on October 18, 2010

Blue Moon Burgers in Seattle, WA, combines online ordering with social media--Twitter and Facebook.  The result is a 100% increase in business in the South Lake Union store in eight months.

Blue Moon using NetWaiter.pdf (160.19 kb)

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